AI design, art, commerce and change

I spent all day learning AI and here are my initial thoughts. The speed and accuracy it interpreted by cues (muses) is astounding. In 3 minutes it took my muses and made a composite (s) of rooms, places, textures, artists, moods, lines, forms etc that I had long thought of and never had the rooms, budgets, time, materials etc to create. It’s not just that I liked them,  they felt like me to me.  In design, the image, the portfolio is the conversation, the be ALL. Yet, as I explore AI these images may prove to be closer to real composite of some my interests/ideas/loves than a real home for a real portfolio I’ll ever be able to create. So what’s real? Which one is real (er)? Does it matter?

Is it art? design? even mine? Does the algorithm you choose in language make it better art? Is it soulless? Inspiring? Can it be both. Can you copyright it? Should you?  Does it give artists the potential to individuate and create on levels that they don’t have the projects, budgets, homes or materials for? yes. Will it erase the need for unimaginable amount of professions? undoubtedly yes. Will it blur reality, promote perfectionism, and distort expectations? yes. Will it also create high art, democratize design and allow people to connect deeply to their vision. Yes too.

Its nothing but a flicker image on a screen, but in a world fixed to screens, if it moves the viewer isn’t that enough? I have no idea exactly what it all means, but change is in the wind. AI has been likened to the invention of the internet, but I’m not so sure its not the invention fire. We are in for wild ride.

#AI design, #AI thoughts #japandi #pnwsurfshack #pnwcabins #jewelbox #joseph dirand #woodinville


pnw loft


accessible pieces